I'm Back!
Monday, July 30, 2018
I’m Back! Back to doing what I love most, Creating and Teaching.
I closed my store March 31st do to an unfortunate situation with my neighbors,, but I’m happy to report, it has opened up new and exciting opportunities for me. Thank you for all your kind words and support during my difficult last few months in the store. You all were right, Bigger and Better things are on my horizon. I’ve been teaching in local studios since I’ve closed and I’m so happy to be doing what I love to do more often, create and teach. I’ll be sending out a monthly newsletter to let you know where I’ll be teaching, my online classes, news and creative tips. You can also visit my website and find me on Facebook and Instagram.

I’m excited to announce the launch of my online Coastal Resin Window class in September. Many of you have asked me if I have a Resin class on my website, so I’ve been working on getting as much information, tips and products for you. I am now an Amazon affiliate, so it will make it easy for you to see my favorite things. I’ll let you know when the class is up and running.
Opening September 1st in downtown Ft Pierce! Pelican Central Mosaic Studio. Diane Concepcion and Asia Booth will be opening a studio at 220 Orange Ave. You may have taken the mosaic jewelry class from them at my shop. They have invited me to have a studio space there, and it will be my home base. I’ll teach classes there and sell my artwork. Ft Pierce is becoming an artsy community with monthly art walks, studios and galleries moving in. They are calling it the Peacock Art District. It’s exciting for me to have a place to create and it’s only 10 minutes from my house!
Make sure to check out all my upcoming events listed on the Christine's Coastal Treasures Facebook Page. I will be updating that every week!